By Letter
Max Flow Rate
250L/sec — 250L/sec
Head Max
55m — 60m
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Please choose
By Letter
Max Flow Rate
250L/sec — 250L/sec
Head Max
55m — 60m

B (Channel Impeller)
B Series The B-series is a basic heavy-duty, submersible sewage and wastewater pumps providing excellent solids matter passing capability with reliable operation. They offer a wide lineup of discharge bores ranging from 50 - 300 mm and motor outputs of...
Max Flow Rate: 250L/sec (15m3/min)
Head Max: 55m

BER (Aerators)
BER Series The BER-series is a submersible self-aspirating jet aerators combined a submersible pump with a venturi-jet based diffuser. The liquid flow generated by the submerged pump causes negative pressure to form around the nozzle, whereby drawing in air from...
Max Flow Rate: N/A
Head Max: N/A

BZ Series The BZ-series is a submersible sewage and wastewater pumps that is designed with a shrouded single/two-channel impeller and wide passages of over 3 inches (76.2 mm) in diameter to minimize trouble due to clogged solids. In addition, as...
Max Flow Rate: 250L/sec (15m3/min)
Head Max: 58m