By Letter
Max Flow Rate
3L/sec — 8L/sec
Head Max
13m — 18m
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By Letter
Max Flow Rate
3L/sec — 8L/sec
Head Max
13m — 18m

HS/HSZ Series The HS-series is a submersible single-phase portable drainage pump and the HSZ-series is automatic. The automatic operation, controlled by a single float switch, reduces consumption and extends operating life. Though the HS & HSZ are a single-phase unit,...
Max Flow Rate: 5L/sec (0.3m3/min)
Head Max: 18m
HSD Series The HSD pump is a submersible single-phase portable slurry pump. It is equipped with a high-chromium cast iron agitator that assists smooth suction of the settled matters. Though the pump is a single-phase unit, it has the durability...
Max Flow Rate: 3.6L/sec (0.22m3/min)
Head Max: 13m